At Chaya Maya, we offer a wide range of Mayan Ruin tours.  We are located in the heart of Maya Country.


Tikal Guatemala- All day - Easy to Moderate

Tikal which translates to ("City of Echoes") is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban center of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. It is located in the archaeological region of the Petén Basin in what is now northern Guatemala. Situated in the department of El Petén, the site is part of Guatemala's Tikal National Park and in 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tikal comprising over 3,000 astounding structures set in 55 square kilometers / 21 sq miles and situated in Guatemala’s largest protected area.

Tikal is the best understood of any of the large lowland Maya cities, with a long dynastic ruler list, the discovery of the tombs of many of the rulers on this list and the investigation of their monuments, temples and palaces.

This tour goes through the border between Belize and Guatemala.



Xanatunich - Half Day - Easy to Moderate

Xunantunich was the first site to be opened to the public, when the road and the hand cranked car ferry were completed in 1954. What you will see today is a Classic period (300-900 AD) ceremonial center, with large plazas ringed with pyramids. The tallest is the astonishing 130 foot "El Castillo” (The Castle) which is large by Mayan standards and is only exceeded by the Caana pyramid at Caracol in the Mountain Pine Ridge. The site was occupied until around 900 AD and was likely abandoned after an earthquake, the evidence of which was discovered by archaeologists in the mid-1900


Cahal Pech - Half day - Easy to Moderate

Cahal Pech is an ancient Maya ruin where Mayan ritual and ceremonies were performed. The center accommodates pyramid temples, palaces and ball courts. Also, there is evidence that it was home to the Stelae cult. Excavations have showed that the Mayas occupied the site from 1000 B.C. to 800 A.D.

The name Cahal Pech, which is translated as “Place of Ticks,” originated from a mixture of both Yucatec and Mopan Maya. Exploring this Mayan city, you will find 34 structures, the largest being 77 ft high. Inside one of the plazas, a royal tomb was found.


Caracol - All day - Moderate

Caracol is the largest Mayan archaeological site in Belize, Central America. In AD 650, the urban area of Caracol had a radius of approximately 10 kilometers around the site's epicenter. It covered an area much larger than present day Belize City (the largest metropolitan area in the country of Belize) and supported more than twice the modern city's population. Urban Caracol maintained a population of over 140,000 people through the creation of an immense agricultural field system and through elaborate city planning. Caracol is noted not only for its size during the Maya Classic era (A.D. 250-950), but also for its prowess in war; this includes an AD 562 defeat of Tikal (Guatemala) and a subsequent conquest of Naranjo (Guatemala) in AD 631.

The beauty about Caracol is the adventure it takes to get to this truly spectacular Mayan Site, winding roads takes you though villages of the descendants of the Mayas. Stop at the Big Rock water fall or take a refreshing dip in the Rio on Pools all before continuing your journey to Caracol.

You will be getting wet so bring along extra clothing, pair of socks.